E-Commerce, is it hard to do it? – OpenCart

OpenCart is an open-source eCommerce platform, or, as the creators of OpenCart define it, an Online Store Management System.

Released in April 2010, it’s one of the oldest and stable eCommerce solutions. It has all of the eCommerce features. The administration control panel gives you full control over the system.

The plugin marketplace will make your store flexible and connected to any other systems, and the variety of supported payment methods will definitely give you the freedom to collect your payments from anywhere.

OpenCart can be hosted :

  • on any hosting
  • via the OpenCart Cloud

Either way, the startup costs for 1 year are approximately $300.

PROS: Multiple stores supported on one platform, a large selection of plugins and teams, great support from the community, non-expensive upgrades.

CONS: There is a lot of work during the setup, the platform requires a lot of attention, manual updates…

E-Commerce, is it hard to do it? – WooCommerce

WooCommerce, one of the top 5 platforms for eCommerce. Built as an addition to WordPress, has steady growth and a large user group. The first release was in 2011.

Because it’s an addition to WordPress, WooCommerce can use and integrate with a lot of plugins and automation tools. Because WordPress has a strong development community, integrating WooCommerce with any plugin is fast and easy.

On top of the existing WordPress plugins, WooCommerce has a marketplace of its own with a large selection of plugins and additions that will transform any online store to a powerful eCommerce platform.

So, if you are starting an online business or want to extend your existing business, the setup will probably be $200 – $ 300 per year.

PROS: It supports up to 10 000 products, and if you are familiar with WordPress, the learning curve won’t be steep.

CONS: It’s an addition to an existing platform, WordPress, meaning, you need a hosted site that will be upgraded. Although WordPress offers hosting and plans, any potential store owners have to work their way through to set this up. This adds additional startup expenses and might get tricky.

E-Commerce, is it hard to do it? – Shopify

Shopify is probably one of the most popular platforms today. It was founded in 2004, it has been on the market for 15 years.

What is Shopify? An all in one eCommerce platform. With plans starting from $29/month, you can start and scale your growing business easy.

Shopify’s marketplace has a large choice of addons that will automate and ease a lot of daily processes, like:

  • Instagram automation
  • automate email marketing
  • connect with your customers
  • connect with other applications
  • connect with custom systems

If you are starting with your eCommerce business, you are looking at a $400 yearly cost for the basic plan.

PROS: All in all, great starter tool, it can scale easily as you go, allowing you to include every member of your team in the sales process.

CONS: Any custom changes or add-ons require a lot of time and planning.

E-Commerce, is it hard to do it?

A business has to have a good web presence to be noticed. But when it comes to offering products to a large group of consumers and businesses, that business will need an e-commerce solution. So, what is e-commerce?

E-commerce is the activity of buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet. 

Lately, a number of e-commerce solutions have been used by various businesses. Let’s see what’s out there.

1. Shopify

2. Woo Commerce

3. Opencart

4. Etsy

5. Magento

6. Ecwid

7. Tictail

8. Big Commerce

In the posts to come, we will go through each of these to see what are the pros and cons of each one.





MasiTech’s Mission

To be connected is a necessity. An online web presence brings any business closer to the final goal – SUCCESS!

MasiTech Solutions is determined to make that happen. We use different technologies to improve your online look.

What is MasiTech

MasiTech is a company that provides cutting-edge solutions for a variety of businesses. We thrive on our customer’s satisfaction and success.

We will provide you with the tools to connect with the right customers with the least possible effort. We can help you if:

  • You are an emerging business and you need a unique web presence
  • you have a product or a number of products and you want to increase your customer base by selling online
  • you have an idea but you lack the know-how

Feel free to contact us at any time.

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